The new Afrikaans satirical duo, VAN PLETZEN, breathed new life into the music scene in June 2017 with the release of their k*k-lekker music video, Eiland Styl (Island Style).
Van Pletzen is made up of Peach van Pletzen (Bittereinder / Yesterday’s Pupil) and Matthieu (Makkie) Auriacombe (Hello Beautiful / Beach Party). Van Pletzen often makes use humour and satire in their music, but that does not mean that it is a joke. This is world-class production value that makes you laugh and think all while having a k*k-lekker time!
Van Pletzen kicked off on a high note when Oppikoppi Festival booked them before their first single was even released and they plan to keep the good times rolling with their second release, GOUD(Gold).
GOUD is Van Pletzen’s humorous social commentary take on a night out on the town in the City of Gold, Johannesburg, with the duo jolling and pub crawling in an Uber. This is without a doubt the most fun you can have in the backseat of an Uber.
“It is not the destination that matters but the journey. We set out to go and party in JHB and just landed up driving from place to place having a grand old time in the back of the Uber. It is almost like a road trip to nowhere, because all that matters is now,” says Peach.