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Last week AKING released the first in a series of two South African New Wave Cinema music videos by filmmakers Ferdinand van Zyl and Barry de Villiers.

First in line was the dizzying video Prey to the Birds. This harrowing video of the opening track to the band’s SAMA winning album, Morning After, is one of those you have to see to believe. And after you watched it you won’t believe what you’ve seen.

Watch Prey to the Birds here

The exquisite music video to the closing track of Morning After, In Loving Memory, is out now. This film noir music video is visually just as poignant as the song, with the lyrics painting its pictures.

View In Loving Memory

“Wouldn't say it to just anyone

Lying on the edge of the bed,

Mind already made up

Leave, I need to leave

Make new roots along the way

Best intentions went to hell and gone

Never felt so right and so damn wrong all at once

Made a narrow escape

From your smothering embrace

In loving memory of what could've been

A moment of silence sinks in

Shake me by the shoulders, it‘s only a dream

We carry our homes with us

Salvation is on the run

From time to time we catch a glimpse of what it cedes us

Unlock the gates

For uncertainty awaits

Doesn't matter where we end up

There are repercussions if you become your reputation

Why hesitate?

Why get lost in yesterday?

In loving memory of what could've been

A moment of silence sinks in

Shake me by the shoulders, it‘s only a dream

We carry our homes with us

We carry our homes with us.”

Watch AKING and the filmmakers give insight into the making of the music videos here:

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