In the wake of the devastating fires in Knysna, many are left destitute and in need. Solera Restaurant along with Janie Bay and friends have sprung into action to present IHEARTKnysna Fest in aid of this travesty.
We are so completely amazed, humbled, overwhelmed and thankful for the insane response to this event thus far!
Details: Date: Sunday 25 June Venue: Voortrekker Monument, Pretoria Gates Open: 10:30 First Act: 12:00 Please visit the website for tickets and info on how you can sponsor, donate or offer any extra help: Tickets Details: Date: Sunday 25 June Venue: Voortrekker Monument, Pretoria Gates Open: 10:30 First Act: 12:00 LINE-UP: GOODLUCK Majozi Rubber Duc Jo Black Roan van As Dawie de Jager + Special Guest Performances Please open your hearts and support this very worthy cause of thousands of people being affected by the #KNYSNAFIRES and who have lost everything they have. More details on on how you can support, sponsor, donate, for advertising space or to offer help in Knysna and surrounding areas or at the event. You can also email if you would like to help! SPONSORS NEEDED TO MAKE THIS DAY A SUCCESS: 1. MONEY... Sadly there are costs involved, and not all service providers can fully donate their services. Luckily, this will enable us to raise much more for the cause! You can donate while buying tickets: 2. FOOD VENDORS... Food stalls can apply by commenting on the event. Please make mention if you are willing to donate profits or not. A stand fee will be charged otherwise. 3. KIDS ENTERTAINMENT (Face Painting, etc) 4. PRINTING of posters. 5. ACCOMMODATION for 4 people (25 June) plus ground transport. 6. Exhibition space for 20 stalls available. Comment on the event if you're interested. 7. T-SHIRT companies willing to print T-shirts for staff at the event and maybe offer T-shirts for sale, with profit being donated. 8. Raffle Prizes (This is something we will look at doing to raise more funds, if decent prizes are offered.) 9. BACKLINE - Great opportunity for a music shop to sponsor backline for the day.