Consistently at the top of their game, Gangs of Ballet are always pushing boundaries and setting new benchmarks for live performance, success and now fan interaction. The SAMA nominated band embarked on creative campaign to bring their family of fans even closer by getting them involved in a video for the latest single, “House & Money”. Using Instagram’s new video service, the band got fans to submit short clips inspired by the “House & Money” single. By tagging the videos ‘#yesnogrey’ (the title of Gangs’ iTunes #1 album), the band managed to collect a wide selection of funny, warm and creative videos and that they then put together into a light-hearted and endearing video.
House & Money is the 3rd in a string of hits off Gangs of Ballet’s MK nominated and 5
time SAMA nominated debut full length album “yes/no/grey”.
Check out the House & Money video here